Shree Narnarayan Narsih Churna This is an ayurvedic medicine in herbal powder form. It is widely used in the ayurvedic treatment of cough, chronic respiratory conditions including bronchitis and asthma, oligospermia, anti-aging treatment, chronic urinary diseases, anemia, gout, fistula, sciatica, chronic jaundice, hemorrhoids
Key Benefits:
Narsih Churna is primarily used to improve digestion, alleviate indigestion, gas, bloating, flatulence and promote healthy bowel movements
Some of the ingredients, like giloy and saunth, may bolster the immune system
Respiratory health issues such as cough, coryza, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic rhinitis, phlegm diseases.
March Mon, 2024
Very much good product but again I am very happy with them